
04 June 2008

Super Delegates Nominate Hillary Clinton 

Super Delegates Nominate Hillary Clinton

The title some what fictitious but the reality of possibilities is not very far from the truth.

With all the misplaced enthusiasm of adolescent perceptions in a political reality stating the world is what it is supposed to be (but is not so don’t hold your breath) the world is held captive in the turmoil generated by a corporate media that seems to hold little value in truth.

To judge the world by the headlines of the corporate media and most others that maintain those views which hold us prisoner to falsehood:

Thinking that “Barack Obama has locked up the Democratic Party nomination for the 2008 Presidential election” in what is misplaced because in truth that is the farthest thing from the truth unless you support the business as usual crowd for maintaining the status quo.

“Barack Obama has locked up the Democratic Party nomination for the 2008 Presidential election “

Is that really so? Is that way the Democratic Party will do it? Or is that what some would have us think in what is the jockeying for positioning related to the final voting.

One Super delegate offered his vote for sale for supposed altruistic reasons I am sure he is not the only one.

What all the wonderful over paid, over educated, over played, over valued, and worthless spin doctors and pundits (mainly of the mainstream corporate media) fail to state is that due to the brilliance of the National Democratic Party and its rules:

Super delegates on which Barack Obama is based can vote for whom ever they feel like in views that can change as often as those delegates can change their mind in preference up until the moment they vote at the National Democratic Party Convention for as long as it takes to reach a successful conclusion.

Imagine the possible headlines:

“Super delegates nominate FDR to run again with Bonzo as his running mate, as FDR is brought back to life due to advanced DNA cloning”

I do not agree with the super delegate system but as a realistic observer I am cognizant of it as a reality of real circumstances not imagined ones.

In theory the super delegates do not have to vote for either Barack Obama or Hillary Clinton.

So why have so many mainstream media sources chosen to illuminate us with such falsehoods, to simplify the political landscape so we can receive their simplified views in what is once again dumb and dumber?

Surely they will rationalize truthfully that most likely delegates will do this and that but not once will they challenge the underpinnings of on which all that political trash and waste is based!

Why is it that the most complicated country in the world embroiled in every corner of the world with the most subversive of intrigues is summarized into the most simplistic of explanations that most of the time is simply untrue and false, unethical and immoral?

Let us ask what Jesus would do!
Let us ask what Buddha would say!
Let us ask what ET would say and do!

But most of all let us ask why has America declined to such a low point of ignorant discussion as is maintain in the mainstream media.

The fact of the matter is that without super delegates neither Hillary Clinton nor Barack Obama has enough support to be nominated as the rules currently stand. As Barack Obama has 1,765½ delegates (52%) and Hillary Clinton 1,639½ (48%) with approx 690 super delegates deciding the outcome as it now stands though that means the Democratic Party is not expressing the will of the people but the established circles of power..

But who says that being democratic or republican means one is supposed to be fair and egalitarian?

But do I hear anyone except myself discussing or calling for the elimination of the super delegate system?


The fact of the matter remains that if the super delegates decide in convention to change their votes to support Hillary Clinton she will become the Democratic Party’s nominee albeit one without a full mandate from the people just like Barack Obama will not have a mandate of the people if he was nominated on which grounds I oppose them as weak wasteful candidates currently destined for defeat.

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