28 March 2005
Mikis Theodorakis reacts:
against the US State Department
against the US State Department

Theodorakis reacts against the State Department (link to the original)
Author: eZ publish admin Publishing date: 13.01.2005 11:25
This year the US State Department's report - July 2003 - December 2004 - concerning anti-Semitism in the world, criticized Greece and especially Mikis Theodorakis (lWikipedia Brief Biography link) concerning his statements from November 2003.
At that time, the composer presenting a new book, criticised the policy of Sharon, saying that it leads the Jews to "the root of evil".
His statement, wrongly quoted became: "The Jews are the root of evil”, and despite all declarations by the composer, this was how things were considered, while an ugly campaign against him started and lasted for several month.
The new report of the State Department "which would do better to analyse US-crimes in Iraq and all over the world!" provoked a harsh reaction of the composer:
"As I clarified with my interview in the newspaper "Haaretz" of Israel (BLOG NOTE: A moderate progressive PRO-ISRAEL LABOR PARTY NEWSPAPER), and as it became absolutely comprehensible from the big majority of the population in Israel, I am not an anti-Semite. On the contrary, with my political action and my artistic work I showed in each occasion my support and my solidarity with all oppressed peoples, among them the Hebrew population, and this especially in difficult periods.
What I do not agree with and what I have denounced, is the policy of Sharon that I consider inhuman against Palestinians, dangerous for the peace and defamatory for Israel."
Athens 6.1.2005
Mikis Theodorakis
BLOG NOTE: Mr. Theodorakis is currently a member of Synaspismos a Greek Left Political Party (click for web site) As a comrade I do not think he is anti-semitic in any manner, but instead is once again a victim of the shortsighted opportunistic cheap self-serving political views of the US government determined by the political flavor of the month club resident there and in the White House of Washington DC. which this author encourages you to protest.