
26 November 2006

Legally Getting Started in Art Related fields 

Legally Getting Started in Art related fields

Am I adverse to new people? No, but they annoy me as I am demanding for demanding fields, with dynamic needs. I like most/many people have doodled in art since the age of about 3, but as I have always asserted the main issue for most desiring to work in the field is to be enabled to make money in it. HEY?


Art has become a mad law driven field, and though they know what they like , what the heck do most people know about art, music, business, business language, contract law, laws governing comity, jurisdiction, and conflicts? Futures? Corporations? Personally the artist is not respected becauee they don't even respect their ownselves.

Today the music art field has been often taken over by many large entities of capability to assert a presence in what is the field of "Intellectual Property" governed by not only state, local, federal, but international law, and treaties.

Personally people get into trouble with law just on the local level because they don't always understand it, cause themselves more grief than it is worth, and play alot of games with people they shouldn't. So well with the reading levels being what they are, I don't think they know very much about it all; and,

Only after some years after some study of law, and working as a legal researcher have I become personally comfortable in the matter after all there are several ways to deal with it , mainly piece meal, or comprehensively.

I have recently advertised for poetry manuscripts to publish because of personal interests, and I received responses from all over the world, I made the RFP not because I don't write well as some cretin dunces suggested but because I have genuine interests. Ha Ha and you thought is was only about the Benjamin and the dead presidents?? WRONG!

For years I have done exactly what I have wanted to even though I have had to pay for it. Generally I don't think people generally fully appreciate the detail circumstances regarding deals as FIRSTLY they didn't come to me as an equal willing to do business in making a deal which I finance.

Most often, or often as new or first time authors they wanted me to review, critique comment on, correct etc on what they were doing, as if they were seeking approval in some process of validation of them as if I were a teacher, mentor, friend, relative, which I don't have time for as I get thousands of emails a week (sorry kids).. WORK that I am creatively always seeking to find a way to handle in a cost effective manner (real MBA type lingo) so screw it you'll have to figure it out sometimes on your own. I even had blasts from the past. In any case if you can sneeze at what I am trying to do you must have enough money, and do not to need mine with the fish mongering/haggling on top of it. FIRST BE REAL don't pretend you are what you are not because I start out apathetic of it all

If all you want to do is publish then that doesn't require much at all:

1. Send me a script that moves me (send it to me on trust or copyright it then send me a copy, copyright filing service extra), send a confidentiality agreement if you like (it never hurts to try).

2. Make me a well balanced/reasonable proposal offer for me to consider regarding acquisition of rights to publish.

3. Ask me to respond within a time frame (if I need more time I'd state so).

3. Upon tentative approval by the parties send/or fax exchange proposed contractual information, negotiate the details..

4. Since normally I charge $25 - 250 an hour for that kind of legal work (deposited and paid some what upfront):

So I have to be very interested, you have to be good, able, willing, and sort of well known at least somehow some where etc (HAVE MARKETING POSSIBILITIES) if not there are today many fine opportunities depending on what you want to do..

If you want to retain the rights to what you do but technical assistance that's OKAY

I can produce, edit and rewrite anytime, anywhere but again that will cost you cash and up front, with cash and performance guarantees for salaries, equipment, and production and travel expenses costs, fees etc.

I WARN YOU I DON'T COME CHEAP, AM VERY DEMANDING (for guaranteed results I demand full control, respect, and am temperamental)

I am happiest when I am busiest HERE IS A General rate schedule of services offered (subject to change at anytim).


1. a. Video and field recording production and editing services by concert solo guitarist,

1. b. Synthesist, and neo-classical-blues-jazz-pop harmonicist original repetoire available $50 per hour plus expenses (Worldwide) $5,000 minimum plus expenses..

2. Ghost writing for books, memoirs and newsletters: $50 per double-spaced page.
3. Screen writing: $50 per minute or screenplay page.
4. Speech writing: $50 per minute or double-spaced page.
5. Rewriting an existing manuscript: $30 per double-spaced page.
6. Editing: $7 per double-spaced page. per double-spaced page.
7. Computer TECH system trouble shooting $40 per hour
8. Web site design $20 per hour, (original content extra)

Turnaround time: Ten to 30 days on most projects, three to six months on book and screenplay


Research: Clients must provide detailed notes, a detailed outline, or an audio recording. We can aid in the creation of these materials

7. GENERAL RESEARCH SERVICES rate $25 per hour

REFERENCES on demand with bonifed offers and interes


You need musicians I'll get you musicians but the question is are you ready? For there is a difference in speculation deals, and contract deals that is the first thing because you can not treat both as if they were the same.

If you provide the financing its a contract deal for services you would like, if it is a speculation deal if you are any good maybe I will consider you depending on how I feel in the total sense. BTW it costs about $10 per hour to hire an employee at McDonalds including Workmen's Comp etc so my rates are competitive.

UPDATE Blogs are Blogging Publishing is Publishing 

UPDATE Blogs are Blogging Publishing is Publishing


Sorry Excuse me I am trying to answer issues that come up with many people besides you.

But if you wish to publish I am interested I prefer a whole manuscript. I too wrote for use in blogs, email groups etc but there these mega corporations receive free content to attract more people with and pay little if anything.

Here I am following a model which will not disappoint new upstart poet writers or even established ones as I am following a business model founded by Moses Asch and Marian Distler in 1948.

So if you can dig up a manuscript of original work for me to consider in that complete context it would be best appreciated without any further comment. If some wish to be a pawn of the Fortune 400 please be my guest.

Its a project of free creative expression please feel free
nothing probably could offend me that much at times
I will not narrow it down in fear you would be conforming your work to suit me (DON'T) yours

Generally I am requiring a finished manuscript before considering publication/ so as to see close to what will be the full context on publishing.

Long Term Catalog Sales

As to rates and matters generally I am flexible on depending on the total picture. Provisions regarding reversion of rights to the author would not neccessarily be appropiate as an issue.

Whereas some have put works under contract then stopped printing them and taken them out of circulation.

It is my intention to have a long term publishing project with those works under contract being from then on in print and in some manner paying.

It is not merely a matter of print but complete packing, including book and recordings.

I hope thsi would be of some help and does not meet your disapproval, and even in that case open to discussion

I repeat:

Wanted legal rights to publish original poetry work from original author in 5.5"x8.5" format, 40-64 pages (equals approx 20-32 letter size format single spaced). Must be in finished manuscript form submitted with personal particulars and brief resume (1 page). Contractual obligations are involved parties must have legal rights to original work.

This will be a long term contract for multiple books. So if you think you've got what it takes to be professional let's see. A manuscript of the size I mention is not too long and could take a month to write (maybe less maybe more).

Good luck
Best wishes
Yours Truly

Andrew Stergiou
Universal Living Arts Inc.
P.O.Box 1615, Altoona, Pa 16603

Poet Writers Publishing Opportunity 

Poet Writers Publishing Opportunity


We am setting up a poetry publishing recording video project where I am interested in printing up books of 40-64 pages via my newly organized Universal Living Arts Inc. Pariah Poetry Div..

Prospective authors are encouraged to submit finished/complete manuscripts of that size (40-64 pages) hard copy solicted can be can be sent to:
Universal Living Arts
Pariah Poetry Div
P.O.Box 1615 Altoona, Pa 16603

In the coming weeks/months (3) we will be drawing up draft contracts regarding rights and obligations, and the assignment of rights of the involved parties whiich then may be inquired into.

Generally we am interested in authors of character, personna, presence, personality, contents, expressive natures for long term development of a professional context who will be determined after a thorough review process.

Authors who may be accepted may also be required to perform, recite, promote their work,and to tour, and submit to publicity.

Good luck and best wishes to you all


PS All prospective authors must be of the legal age of consent to sign legal agreements or have their legal guardians provide consent to allow them to be published etc.

ISBNs and censorship 


This is not about China so anyone harping on such a thought will feel the wrath they deserve as cold war throwbacks, it actually is about how society has become perverted as a machine and how artists have often for the most part accepted it. It is my slap in their face for with all the slanders I have endured and blacklistings I have suffered they in their control of those institutions which may oppose such attacks do little and in stead play the dupes in what was the cold war and today is merely oppression.

ISBNs are used as a means of book censorship in the People's Republic of China. For a printer to legally print a run of books, they must have an ISBN, which are assigned in blocks to state owned publishing houses. However, since the 1990s, this means of censorship has become much less effective as state publishing houses, which have been weaned from government subsidy like all state owned enterprises, will now sell ISBNs to the highest bidder without regard to the content." (Wikistupidity)

But little if anything has been said about such instruments of oppression in other countries, intrinsicly I believe organizations like the ACLU, PEN, ASCAP, NAMI, and AI have been oppressions's greatest friends while they fund raise and make claim to the contrary.Intrinsiclly I hate being asked for my ID, my social security number and I am against any form of indexing as it is related to publications including:

ASIN (Amazon Standard Identification Number) CODEN (An identifier of serials, still in use by libraries, but replaced by ISSN for any new work) DOI (Digital Object Identifier) ISAN (International Standard Audiovisual Number) ISMN (International Standard Music Number) ISRC (International Standard Recording Code) ISSN (International Standard Serial Number) ISWC (International Standard Musical Work Code Library of Congress Control Number SICI (Serial Item and Contribution Identifier)

I address the issue almost religously from the position of a pamphleteer So....oooo why the hell do I have to pay as an author publisher for the bullet of my own execution?

Why is the internet administered by quasi-supra-intra-governmental agencies at the beckon of international monopolies and police military intelligence oppression which is the prime if not only issue as we have no rights?

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